Hardware Vectorization with SIMD

FLOPs for free

François-David Collin



Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University

Ghislain Durif



Generalities on SIMD

Why vectorization ?


Almost every CPU made on the market since 2010 got a SIMD unit and it operates on multiple elements at the same time on a single instruction.

Natural congruence with parallel progamming

In a good number of cases, parallelization of algorithm is often achieved by vectorization and the use of SIMD is then a free bonus.

Performance boost almost guaranteed

With a little effort it could boost your performance by a factor of two or more. It is even more energy efficient than raw CPU (non SIMD) computing[1].

Scalar vs Vector operation

A scalar operation does a single double-precision addition in one cycle. It takes eight cycles to process a 64-byte cache line. In comparison, a vector operation on a 512-bit vector unit can process all eight double-precision values in one cycle.


Vector (SIMD) lane

A pathway through a vector operation on vector registers for a single data element much like a lane on a multi-lane freeway.

Vector width

The width of the vector unit, usually expressed in bits.

Vector length

The number of data elements that can be processed by the vector in one operation.

Vector (SIMD) instruction sets

The set of instructions that extend the regular scalar processor instructions to utilize the vector processor.

Hardware/Software Requirements

Generation of instructions

vector instructions are generated by the compiler OR manually by the programmer via the “intrisics” (explicit SIMD instructions)

Matching of instructions

matching of the instructions and the hardware, because there is several units and instructions sets. (the compiler does the matching, most of the time).

Short history

Evolution of the vector length

Versions, I

Release Functionality
MMX (trademark with no official meaning) Targeted towards the graphics market, but GPUs soon took over this function. Vector units shifted their focus to computation rather than graphics. AMD released its version under the name 3DNow! with single-precision support.
SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) First Intel vector unit to offer floating-point operations with single-precision support
SSE2 Double-precision support added

Versions, II

Release Functionality
AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions) Twice the vector length. AMD added a fused multiply-add FMA vector instruction in its competing hardware, effectively doubling the performance for some loops.
AVX2 Intel added a fused multiply-add (FMA) to its vector processor.

Versions, III

Release Functionality
AVX512 First offered on the Knights Landing processor; it came to the main-line multi-core processor hardware lineup in 2017.From the years 2018 and on, Intel and AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) have created multiple variants of AVX512 as incremental improvements to vector hardware architectures.

Anatomy of an intrisic

Vectors types (AVX)

Encoding scheme


Add example

Various, I

  • s (single): single precision float (32bits)
  • d (double): double precision float (64bits)
  • i… (integer): integer
  • p (packed): contiguous, operates on the whole vector
  • s (scalar): operates on a single element

Various, II

  • u (unaligned): data non aligned in memory
  • l (low): least significant bits
  • h (high): most significant bits
  • r (reversed): reversed order


H. Inoue, “How SIMD width affects energy efficiency: A case study on sorting,” in 2016 IEEE symposium in low-power and high-speed chips (COOL CHIPS XIX), IEEE, 2016, pp. 1–3.
R. Robey and Y. Zamora, Parallel and high performance computing. Manning, 2021. Available: https://www.manning.com/books/parallel-and-high-performance-computing