IPC and locking

Interprocess communication and how to not shoot yourself in the foot

François-David Collin



Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University

Ghislain Durif



Inter-Process Communication

Remainder on Process-level parallelization

                   Main Process
                 │             │
                 │   CPU       │
                 │             │
                 │   Memory    │
                   │    │    │
                   │    │    │
       ┌───────────┘    │    └───────────┐
       │                │                │
┌──────▼──────┐  ┌──────▼──────┐  ┌──────▼──────┐
│             │  │             │  │             │
│   CPU       │  │   CPU       │  │   CPU       │
├─────────────┤  ├─────────────┤  ├─────────────┤
│             │  │             │  │             │
│   Memory    │  │   Memory    │  │   Memory    │
└─────────────┘  └─────────────┘  └─────────────┘

   Process 1        Process 1        Process 1
│            MAIN PROCESS              │
│                                      │
│                                      │
│     ┌──────────┐                     │
│     │          │                     │
│     │   CPU    │   ┌───────────┐     │
│     │          │   │           │     │
│     └──────────┘   │   Memory  │     │
│                    │           │     │
│                    └───────────┘     │
│                                      │
│                                      │
│                                      │
│      ┌─┐         ┌─┐         ┌─┐     │
│      │┼│         │┼│         │┼│     │
│      │┴│         │┴│         │┴│     │
│      ▼▼▼         ▼▼▼         ▼▼▼     │
│   Thread 1    Thread 2    Thread 3   │
│      ┌─┐         ┌─┐         ┌─┐     │
│      │┼│         │┼│         │┼│     │
│      │┴│         │┴│         │┴│     │
│      ▼▼▼         ▼▼▼         ▼▼▼     │
│                                      │

Inter-process is easy…

  • But if my algorithm is not “embarrassingly parallel”, what if we want to share data between processes ?
  • let’s go for Shared Memory

Shared Memory Model

┌─────────────────────────────┐    ┌─────────────────────────────┐
│                             │    │                             │
│ ┌──────────┐   ┌──────────┐ │    │ ┌──────────┐   ┌──────────┐ │
│ │          │   │          │ │    │ │          │   │          │ │
│ │  CORE 1  │   │  CORE 2  │ │    │ │  CORE 3  │   │  CORE 4  │ │
│ │          │   │          │ │    │ │          │   │          │ │
│ └─┬──┬─────┘   └────┬─────┘ │    │ └┬─────────┘   └──────┬───┘ │
│   │  │              │       │    │  │                    │     │
│   │  │              │       │    │  │                    │     │
│   │  │  CPU 1       │       │    │  │      CPU 2         │     │
│   │  │              │       │    │  │                    │     │
└───┼──┼──────────────┼───────┘    └──┼────────────────────┼─────┘
    │  │              │               │                    │
    │  │              └────────────┐  │                    │
    │  │                           │  │                    │
    │  └─────────────────────────┐ │  │                    │
    │                            │ │  │  ┌─────────────────┘
    └──────────────────────────┐ │ │  │  │
                               │ │ │  │  │
│                              │ │ │  │  │                      │
│ ┌─────┐  ┌─────┐  ┌─────┐  ┌─▼─▼─▼──▼──▼─┐                    │
│ │     │  │     │  │     │  │Shared Memory│                    │
│ └─────┘  └─────┘  └─────┘  └─────────────┘                    │
│                                      Main Memory              │

Aside : memory models




There are differents models


Shared FIFOs : Queues

An ubiquitous tool in multiprocessing (and distributed computing) is shared memory FIFO list, aka Queues.

Shared FIFOs : Queues, (2)

A FIFO is a :

  • Linked list
  • with FIFO (First In First Out) semantics, with enqueue(x) et dequeue() function (or push(x)/pop())

Shared FIFOs : Queues, (3)

In the context of multi-processing (or multi-threading) :

Shared Memory + FIFO list = Queue

Shared FIFOs : Queues, (4)

Queues are the basis of the consumer/producer model, which is widely used in concurrent and distributed applications.

When to use queues?

An algorithm with two computations A and B where :

  • B depends on the result of A
  • A is independent of B

A could be a producer for B, and B a consumer for A.

How to use queues?

│           │
│ Producer  │
│           │ Process A
│           │
 │    │                         Queue                                     │
 │    │        ┌─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┐                │
 │    │        │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │                │
 │    └───────►│     │     │     │     │     │     │     ├──────────┐     │
 │             │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │          │     │
 │             └─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┘          │     │
 │                                                                  │     │
 │        Shared Memory                                             │     │
                                                              │           │
                                                   Process B  │ Consumer  │
                                                              │           │
                                                              │           │

Producer/consumer, Examples

  • A finds primes in a list of number, B formats and prints them every 10 numbers found.
  • A fetches a bunch of images on the web, B downloads them and saves them to disk.
  • A takes the orders in the restaurant, B cooks them.

More on locking

The main gotcha

what if several processes want to write/read the same shared memory portions at the same time?

Enter the realm of the dreaded race condition

Simple example

Printing from several processes a string with 10 times the same char.

from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from itertools import repeat
def repeat10Cap(c): 
with Pool(8) as pool:
    pool.map(repeat10Cap, range(10))





The answer : critical section

A critical section is :

  • a multiprocessing (and also multithreading) primitive which decorates a portion of code.
  • guaranteed to be run by only ONE process at a time.
│             │
│    Normal   │
│     Code    │      Parallelized
│             │
│             │
│   Critical  │      Not parallelized
│    Section  │
│             │
│             │
│    Normal   │      Parallelized
│     Code    │
│             │

Critical section workflow

A simple implementation in Python : Lock

from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from multiprocessing import Lock
from itertools import repeat
lock = Lock()
def safe_repeat10Cap(c):
    with lock: 
        # Beginning of critical section
        # End of critical section
with Pool(8) as pool:
    pool.map(safe_repeat10Cap, range(10))



When to use locks ?

  • Concurrent access to shared data structures
  • Structural consistency not guaranteed.

Consistency problems with FIFO example I

Process A (resp. B) wants to push x (resp. y) on the list.

\Longrightarrow Consistency problem if they both create a new linked node to node 3.

Consistency problems with FIFO example 2

Process A and B both want to pop the list.

\Longrightarrow Consistency problem if they both pop the same node.

(No) Consistency problems with FIFO example 3

No problem there.


⚠ ⚠ As long the list is not empty ⚠ ⚠

Locking, refined

Beware of putting locks everywhere… Beware…

Deadlock example

Deadlock (serious) example

Process A acquires lock L1. Process B acquires lock L2. Process A tries to acquire lock L2, but it is already held by B. Process B tries to acquire lock L1, but it is already held by A. Both processes are blocked.

Avoiding Deadlocks

There is several ways to avoid deadlocks. One of them is the Dijkstra’s Resource Hiearchy Solution.

In the previous example, processes should try the lowest numbered locks first. Instead of B acquiring L2 first, it should tries to acquire L1 instead and L2 after.

This solution isn’t universal but is pretty usable in general case.


Diving (a little) deeper into parallelism, when computations are NOT independent of each other (no embarrasingly parallel approach), we need a way to decouple processing of data, while still keeping the dependancies intact.

\Longrightarrow Shared Memory and Queues to the rescue

With the concurrent use of ressources, there are two pitfalls to be aware of:

  • Race Conditions, solution : locking
  • Deadlocks, solution : careful and consistent ordering of locks.


E. Aubanel, Elements of parallel computing. CRC Press, 2016.